Thursday, 2 July 2015

First Person vs. Third Person Perspective

First Person vs. Third Person Perspective has been a dispute for a very long time now. It all comes down to personal preference, First Person being where you play the game through the eyes of the character and Third Person having an over the shoulder view on whats happening. It all comes down to what you like to play, for example RPGs are great for Third person, games like Dragon Age and Mass Effect. That doesn't mean that all RPGs should be in Third person as there are games which implement both perspectives, such as games from the Elder Scrolls series which gives the player the option of playing in First or Third person perspective.

As you would know playing in First person would give you limitations on what you can see, where you wont be to see around a corner or over a fence but if you were playing in Third person, you wouldn't have that problem. You would be able to move the camera around the player to give you that extra visibility which is physically impossible to do such as being able to see behind you, but playing in Third person is not as immersive as playing in first person.

First Person is great for shooters. Games such as Call of Duty or Battlefield are great First person shooters that wouldn't be as good if they were played in Third person. Call of Duty previously had a game mode where you could play in Third person, but was later removed because it was rarely used and was disliked. There are also many great shooter games that are played in Third person, such as Ghost recon: Future soldier and Gears of War.

It all comes down to personal preference. First person giving the game a challenging experience however Third person is simpler and is usually more enjoyable.

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